Goldman said it plans to step up stock buybacks and may raise its quarterly common stock dividend. 该公司已表示,计划加大股票回购力度,并可能调高普通股季度派息。
So, the more enlightened view is, corporations only pay a stock dividend when they have some good news to announce. 所以更有说服力的观点是,公司发放股票股利的唯一原因是,他们有利好消息要公布了。
Another common term is a "stock dividend." 还有一个常用词是“股票股利”
Stock dividend is a term used to describe a distribution of additional shares of stock to a company's stockholders in proportion to their present holdings. 股票股利是一个术语,用来描述公司向股东按其现有持股比例增发的股票。
Stock dividend and stock split differ in that stock dividend shifts an amount from retained earnings to paid-in capital, leaving the par value per share unchanged while a stock split affects no account balances whatsoever. 股票股利和股票分割的差别在于:股票股利将留存收益的金额转移到缴入资本之中,每股面值不变,而股票分割并不影响帐户余额。
Stock dividend a dividend payment made in the form of additional shares, rather than a cash payout. 股票股息以额外股份形式,而不是现金形式支付的股息。
A 1% stock dividend is very similar to the 2-for-1 stock split. 一个1%的股票股利与十送十的股票分割十分相似。
The Stock Dividend to be Distributed account is not a liability, because there is no obligation to distribute cash or any other asset. 股票股息被SD分配不是一个责任,因为那里是没有义务派发现金或任何其他资产。
A stock dividend is a pro rata distribution of additional shares of a corporation's stock to the stockholders. 红股是按照比例分配给持股人的公司股本的追加股份。不包括(下期股息或红利)分配〔
The stock dividend, however, will cause a transfer from the retained earnings account to the common stock account equal to the par or stated value of the dividend shares. 然而,股票股利将导致股利的面值或设定价值从留存收益账户转入普通股账户。
There is very little difference between a 2-for-1 stock split and a 100% stock dividend 十送十的股票分割与100%的股票股利区别很小
The findings show that there are positive market responses to stock dividend announcements even after earning information has been expected by the market. 研究结果发现市场在已预期盈余信息的情况下,仍然对股票股利存在正面反应。
As with a large stock dividend, the purpose of a stock split is to reduce substantially the market price of the common stock, with the intent of making the stock more affordable to investors. 像大比例股票股利一样,股票分割的目的是大量降低普通股的市价,以使投资者购买更多的股票。
And the distribution of stock dividend in a high percentage can devalue the future market achievement of the company. 这种不分红或过度的以送红股的方式分配,不利于真正实现股东价值的最大化,而且高比例送股不仅会使原有股东的股权稀释,也会给企业未来业绩造成巨大压力;
This paper puts forward control countermeasures from four aspects of risks of securing funds, investing funds, running funds and stock dividend distribution on the basis of analyzing the related risks in the course of enterprises managing financial affairs. 在分析了企业理财过程中涉及风险的基础上,从筹资风险、投资风险、资金营运风险和股利分配风险等四个方面提出了预控对策。
This article explains the definition of investment costs from two aspects, stock and bond, at the same time the thesis illustrates the interest and stock dividend through long-term and short-term investment separately, and the calculation of balance of stock equity investment. 本文从股票投资和债券投资两方面对投资成本的确立加以论述,同时对应计利息或现金股利按短期投资和长期投资进行了分类说明,并阐述了股权投资差额的核算。
Stock dividend is listed company's rewards to its investors, and it is signal of listed company's future to its investors, basing on listed company's predict of itself. 股利分配是上市公司对投资者的利润回报,同时也是上市公司在对自身盈利能力预期的基础上向投资者传递关于公司未来发展前景的信息。
So that the "signaling hypotheses" and the "liquidity hypotheses" of stock dividend and stock splits have been applied to China's stock market. 于是对现有的信号传递假设和流动性假设在中国的解释能力进行了检验。
Dividend involves in cash dividend, stock dividend, debt dividend, property dividend etc. 股利一般包括现金股利、股票股利、负债股利、财产股利等形式及股份回购等替代形式。
This paper empirically analyzed the effect of the cash dividend and stock dividend on stock price through Cumulative Abnormal Return ( CAR) method. 本文利用累计超常收益率方法,从实证角度分析了上市公司派发现金股利和股票股利对股票价格的影响。
There are cash dividend, stock dividend, debt type dividend and stock buy-back in fact in payment forms of the dividend. 股利的支付形式一般有现金股利、股票股利、负债式股利和股票回购。
An Empirical Study on the Security Market Reaction to the Stock Dividend 股票股利变化市场反应的实证研究
Compared with capital gain and stock dividend, cash dividend has the characters of low-risk and steady. 与资本利得和股票股利相比,现金股利具有稳定和低风险的特点。
However, investors prefer stock dividend, not cash dividend. 但是投资者却喜欢股票股利,不喜欢现金股利。
These indicators can be used to measure cash dividends, stock dividend payments as well as the level of return of investors. 对样本股票进行相应处理后,计算得到进行研究的指标数据。这些指标可用以衡量上市公司的现金股利支付水平和股票股利支付水平,以及投资者的收益水平。
Based on sustainable growth theory, we discover that the stock dividend policies deviate from sustainable development of corporations. 基于财务可持续增长理论,发现股权激励政策与上市公司可持续发展相背离。
Stock dividend policies are always concerned by the investors. 股利政策一直是广大投资者较为关注的问题。
In the empirical study part, this paper analyzes both short and long term relationship between stock dividend and excess investment return, using the data from stock market in China in the duration of 2007 to 2010. 实证部分,本文研究2007至2010四年间我国沪深股市股利政策与超额投资回报的关系,选择了股票股利作为切入点,分短期和长期进行分析。
And the relationship between industry dividend demand preference and stock dividend policy is not significant. 行业股利需求偏好与股票股利政策不存在显著关系。
It makes investors have a perceptual and clear recognition on stock dividend distribution in China, and help investors make reasonable investment. 这有助于投资者对我国上市公司股票股利的发放有一个感性、清晰的认识,有助于投资者进行合理的投资。